Whatever date you choose, just remember that you are going out to be with each other, not just to be entertained. The main attraction is you! The date is just an excuse to be together and experience something new. Some of these ideas may seem lame, but girls generally like them because they are creative and unique. They’ve been on plenty dates to movies, bowling, etc. Going out to eat is always good, but usually you need something to do afterwards. Here are some ideas!
1) Buy a kite and fly it. Kites are cheap and you can find them just about anywhere. Go together and pick one out (that’s part of the fun) and take it to a park. You’ll have to put it together as well. If you are really adventurous you could download plans from the internet and the two of you could build one from scratch!
2) Color. Go pick out coloring books and colors, then take them somewhere and color. You can also do Mad-Libs. It sounds cheesy, I know, but it’s fun!
3) Go to a large toy store. Check out the toys, maybe even play with some.
4) Make a meal for your parents. Do everything together, including looking through cook books for recipes, buying the ingredients, preparing it, etc.
5) Play old video games. At just about any store that sells toys they have cheap retro video games that look just like a controller. You plug the controller into your TV and on it are several classic games. The old games are strange and hard, but they are fun to play and make fun of. Compete for the highest score! Cook some frozen pizza to eat while you play.
6) Window shop. Go to a part of town that has a bunch of locally owned shops in a row. Just walk down the row and explore each of them. There are some really cool, strange, and dumb shops out there.
7) Take a picnic to the lake/pond. You can surprise her with the food you made, or you can plan and make the food together as part of the fun. Don’t forget to feed the ducks!
8) Look at model homes. Go to different home building companies and tour their model homes. Pretend you are married and come up with a detailed story, the more specific and ridiculous the better. Make up a different story for each place you go to.
9) Go to a playground at night. They are usually pretty empty so you can do whatever you want. Swing-sets are fun no matter how hold you are, and so are big slides and merry-go-rounds. The key is that it gives you something to do while you talk. You might even steal a kiss or two! ;)
10) Buy a toy for your niece/nephew. If you have a really young relative, you can go shopping together for a fun toy to give him/her. Then you can “help” him/her play with it. Be sure and get the parents’ permission first! Also, you might want to make sure you both like kids.
11) Get a magic set. Learn the tricks and show them to each other.
12) Go on a scavenger hunt. Challenge another couple. Use a camera to take pictures of as many things on the list as possible within a set time limit. If you’d like, you and the other couple can write lists for each other. Just don’t reveal the list until the start of the hunt. Writing the list is a fun bonus activity you can do together. Just make sure it’s creative. For example, instead of saying “find an Arby’s” say “find a giant hat”.
13) Covet each other’s oxen. Oh wait. Just read the book of Exodus. Don’t do that.
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